
Will the Democratic Party be the Party of Workers, Unions, NAACP and Hagan?

Triad City Beat interviews the new North Carolina Democratic Party Executive Director, Casey Mann, from Greensboro, NC.

Casey Mann, new NC Democratic Party Executive Director

Casey Mann, new NC Democratic Party Executive Director

Mann has a few noteworthy quotes in the article (in bold below, then my comments follow hers with a dash):

“When you look at the Democratic Party, we’re the party of teachers, workers, people working two jobs.” – Two jobs will likely be the norm with ACA implementation – it looks like they are trying to get out in front of it and shift blame away from ACA.

“Tax check-off money, which was a huge part of our operating budget every year, allowed it to be a way where the state party doled out the money that was needed.” – Unions or Associations could provide an alternative source of funding.

“[State NAACP President] Rev. Barber has done a phenomenal job with the Moral Monday movement and the values he is expressing are the values of the Democratic Party. I was actually at the first Moral Monday when it was all of 47 people.”

“Democrats have been in power for over 100 years so… it’s kind of a change of mentality to “How do we win seats? How do we make strides?”” 

“We actually work very closely with the Kay Hagan campaign to make sure they have what they need and we work back and forth. I am on the phone with them every day.”

 “These little pockets of opportunity actually help Kay Hagan as well.”


10 thoughts on “Will the Democratic Party be the Party of Workers, Unions, NAACP and Hagan?

    • When staff working 40 hours or more are cut back to 30 hours or less, they will have to seek a second job to make up for the lost income. They will also have to work additional hours to pay for their required health insurance.

      • Roch says:

        Oh. That’s a lot of theorizing. Are you expecting, of qualifying companies, that the 6% who do not provide health insurance will decide it is in their interest to cut their full time employees to 30 hours a week? To incur the costs of finding, hiring and training new employees to make up for the lost hours and to keep their fingers crossed that the employees whose hours are reduced will not look for other employment?

        Since were talking politics here, I have to say, that sounds like a marginal argument based on unlikely expectations. I don’t doubt some candidates will make it, but I wouldn’t hang my hat on it resonating with people who are likely to find their family experiences to be quite different.

      • The projected impact in the UNC system is 50-75% of the 8,600 affected staff whose hours will be reduced. Many companies like Darden and Pitt County Schols have already started cutting hours. It’s not theoretical, it’s happening now.

  1. Roch says:

    Yes, I was unable to find those figures in the UNC docs you posted.

    As for the schools limiting hours worked by substitute teachers, as I acknowledged, there will be anecdotes (Here’s an idea, why don’t we fully fund public education so that school systems can afford to offer health insurance to substitutes working 40 hours a week), nonetheless, I repeat: I wouldn’t pin my hat on self-reinforcing anecdotes.

    • Anecdotes or impact being realized? If ACA supporters knew of these costs and impacts, that would be one thing, but it appears that they didn’t and still don’t.

      There aren’t unlimited resources – ACA forces people to choose healthcare over education. Both are basic needs. I would argue that education has a more long lasting impact on society.

      If you had only 600/wk to spend on food, shelter, water, defense/police, education, healthcare, etc. How would you allocate it? Assume no outside help.

  2. Robin says:

    Marty– There have been huge problems with healthcare insurance as delivered in the US. The chief problem is the linkage of coverage to employment. No offense, you may be a great developer, but do you really want to select health insurance options for your employees? How do you view the employee whose cancer just killed your insurance premium “experience rating”? Honestly, when you interview a 55 year old male or female, the impact on your healthcare cost doesn’t enter your mind?

    You should consider dropping all coverage, grossing up your employees’ pay and letting them enter the exchange.

    I also would say that an arguement can be made is that ACA can/ willhelp stimulate entrepreneurship.

    The Republicans did little to address the problems when in office, even for something as simple as preexisting conditions. ACA is the consequence.

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